Artwork > A Topography of Touch: Hover II

Contemporary ceramic art installation by Janet Williams
Porcelain, monofilament
132"h x 54"w x 41"d
Hanging ceramic art installation by Janet Williams
132"h x 54"w x 41"d
Ceramic art installation by Janet Williams
Porcelain, monofilament
132"h x 54"w x 41"d
Mixed media art installation by Janet Williams
Porcelain, monofilament
132"h x 54"w x 41"d
Ceramic art installation
Porcelain, monofilament
132"h x 54"w x 41"d

Installation: Four McKnight Artists, Northern Clay Center, Minneapolis, MN, USA. 2013
Photo Credit: Peter Lee; Austin Caine (detail)

A Topography of Touch: Hover II explores the dimension of touch through the curvature of a fingerprint, its contact point - a shadow.